Edmonds CC Writing Center | MUK 113 Finding and Fixing Subject/Verb Agreement Errors
425.640.1750 | www.edcc.edu/lsc
S U B J E C T / V E R B A G R E E M E N T E R R O R S
What’s a Subject/Verb Agreement Error?
The subject of a sentence is the actor/idea of a sentence. The verb is the action or state of
being of the subject. Subjects and verbs need to agree in number, which is known as singular or
plural. A subject/verb agreement error occurs when the subject and verb of a sentence do not
agree in number.
Singular Subject + Singular Verb = Agreement
Plural Subject + Plural Verb = Agreement
How Do I Find and Fix Subject/Verb Agreement Errors?
A subject/verb agreement error can occur in the following types of sentences.
Words separate the subject and verb
Error: One of my friends like to cook Italian food. (Agreement error: One = singular / like =
Correction: One of my friends likes to cook Italian food.
The verb in the adjective clause doesn’t match the noun it’s referring to
Error: The people who lives next door asked me to get their mail. (Agreement error: People =
plural / lives = singular)
Correction: The people who live next door asked me to get their mail.
The verb comes before the subject
Error: There is many reasons to disagree about politics. (Agreement error: Reasons = plural / is
= singular)
Correction: There are many reasons to disagree about politics.
Error: Leading the club meeting today is Akiko and Jose. (Agreement error: Akiko and Jose =
plural / is = singular)
Correction: Leading the club meeting today are Akiko and Jose.
The subject is a list of two or more nouns*
Error: Microsoft, Starbucks, and Boeing hires technical graduates from Edmonds Community
College. (Agreement error: Microsoft, Starbucks, and Boeing = plural / hires = singular)
Correction: Microsoft, Starbucks, and Boeing hire technical graduates from Edmonds
Community College.
*An Exception: Items that are often linked together as a unit can either be singular or plural in
number. For example, spaghetti and meatballs is plural if the two items are seen as separate
items, but spaghetti and meatballs is singular if the two items are seen as one combined unit.
Edmonds CC Writing Center | MUK 113 Finding and Fixing Subject/Verb Agreement Errors
425.640.1750 | www.edcc.edu/lsc
The subject is an abstract idea
(Examples: justice, patriotism, friendship, honor, number)
Error: The number of students in each class vary. (Agreement error: number = singular / vary =
Correction: The number of students in each class varies.
The subject ends in an s but is singular in meaning
(Examples: mathematics, physics, economics, ethics)
Error: Mathematics prepare students for many different careers. (Agreement error:
Mathematics = singular / prepare = plural)
Correction: Mathematics prepares students for many different careers.
The subject is an indefinite pronoun
(Examples: anyone, everyone, each, everybody, nothing, everything)
Error: Everyone have to take a health class to earn an AA degree. (Agreement error: Everyone =
singular / have = plural)
Correction: Everyone has to take a health class to earn an AA degree.
The subject is an uncountable noun
(Examples: rice, water, grass, money, snow, time)
Error: Time seem to go quickly during a test. (Agreement error: time = singular / seem = plural)
Correction: Time seems to go quickly during a test.
Subject agrees with the nearest noun in paired conjunctions
(Examples: eitheror / neithernor / not onlybut also / notbut)
Error: Neither Sam nor his friends wants to miss graduation. (Agreement error: friends = plural
/ wants = singular)
Correction: Neither Sam nor his friends want to miss graduation.
Correction 2: Neither his friends nor Sam wants to miss graduation.
Sentence Practice
Please identify and correct all the subject/verb agreement errors.
1. Trang, Eric, and Carlos enjoys reading and writing essays in their English 101 class.
2. They also plans to take Math 97 next quarter.
3. There is many other classes they want to take together because they has formed a study
4. Everyone are welcome to join their study group if they wants to.
5. The students who joins the study group needs to meet every Friday.
For More Practice
The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University has several resourcestry them out!
Making Subjects and Verbs Agree
(click the link above or go to owl.purdue.edu/owl, click on General Writing, then
Grammar, then select Subject/Verb Agreement)
Subject/Verb Agreement Exercises
(click the link above or go to owl.purdue.edu/owl_exercises, click on Sentence
Structure, select Subject-Verb Agreement)